The Ultimate Guide to Horse Illness: Causes, Symptoms, and Solutions

Many horse illnesses can be prevented by good horse management such as regular worming. In the world
of horses, the statement “a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing” is very true.

It is very much in your
horse’s interest to find someone who is experienced and consult them whenever you have even the slightest
suspicion that all is not well with your horse.

You may have heard of the expression “the stockman’s eye” – many illnesses can be prevented by careful
observation on a daily basis. Horses are creatures of habit and each one must be treated as an individual.

There are some general obvious signs of illness such as:

being listless,
lack of interest in their feed.

discharge from the nose or eyes
weight loss
a dull coat
Excessive sweating, pawing at the ground, looking at their flank and trying to lie down or roll are
symptoms of colic ( a severe stomach ache).greyHorse's head

It is normal for a horse to rest a hind leg but if he is resting
(i.e. taking the weight off )a front leg that is a sign of lameness.

You can also judge the state of a horse’s health by changes in behavior.

For example when a horse who is
normally quiet to ride starts to buck the chances are that he may have a back injury or a wound in
Saddle area or under the girth..

a brown Horse's head These are some of the most common illnesses::

1) Colic which is the number one cause of fatality in horses – call a vet at the onset of symptoms and that will
greatly increase the chances of a happy outcome.

2) Degenerative Diseases such as navicular disease (horse takes short stiff steps) and ringbone which can be
treated with pain killers but cannot be cured.

3) Laminitis – the hooves are hot and painful – can be worsened by rich grazing or overfeeding

4) Thrush – a smelly discharge from the frog prevented by daily picking out of foot and clean bedding. use
disinfectant to clean out the foot.

5) Ringworm -.A fungus which creates round bare patches on the horse’s coat is also curable but highly
contagious so don’t use the grooming equipment on other horses and do not stable the horse within
touching distance of another horse. Wash your hands before approaching other horses

6) Strangles – enlarged glands abscesses at the throat which swell and eventually rupture. The horse will have
a discharge from his nose be lethargic, and have a high temperature. He must be isolated and all
grooming equipment feed containers and bedding disinfected. Strangles is highly contagious and can
be fatal especially in young horses.

7) Tetanus – as in humans anti-tetanus injections should be administered.

8) Azoturia is cramp caused by overfeeding of grains and under-exercising