Quarter Horse

What is a Quarter Horse?

Would you like to learn what a quarter horse is, what it does, what it eats, diseases, different types of them, and how much they cost, recommended feeding and advice for a first time purchase. Learn from a ranch who has been in the business since the 1830s in Texas. This interview is with ranch owner and entrepreneur James O'Brien and the ranch is the O'Brien Ranch from Texas. the Quarter Horse More horse articles you may have an interest in Buying a Horse | House and Home - Buying a Horse. Why do you want a horse? For a particular purpose, or do you think it would make a nice pet? The most important difference between horses and all the other animals mentioned in this book is that a horse is not meant to ... The Best Horse for Trail Riding - These include the American Quarter Horse, the Appaloosa, the Tennessee Walking Horse, the Arabian, the Thoroughbred, the Paint, the...

By |2016-10-23T11:34:46+00:00April 8th, 2010|Horse, Quarter Horse|0 Comments

Horse Shopping Is Easier If You Do This First

Horse Love Top 10 Things to do BEFORE you go horse shopping Buying a horse is a big commitment in both time and money. The emotional energy spent is a large factor as well. With so many horses for sale, how do you choose? If you buy a horse before you lay the correct groundwork, you run the risk of coming home with one that isn't suitable for you. At worst, he could be dangerous, and at best, you could easily spend a thousand dollars or more to get a professional trainer to correct the problems. Make a plan before you look at horses for sale and do these 10 basic steps first. 1. Take riding lessons for at least six months. Horse Shopping riding lessons will teach you the basics of control and the foundation for correct horsemanship. In addition to learning to ride a horse, you’ll also learn how to safely groom and handle one. You'll establish a relationship with a professional horse person in your area who knows you and who you can turn to for help if you need it. 2. Decide on the type of riding you want to do. There are many types of horse-shopping riding styles. The most basic are Western or English. Then you can break down those two styles into many subcategories. You don't have to make one choice exclusive of all others. Many people enjoy riding both styles and compete in both. Decide if you want a horse Shopping to trail ride and just enjoy having him or if you want to be competitive and show. 3. Horse's personality The type of personality you want for your horse depends a lot on the type of riding you want to do and also your personality. Some riders want a horse with a big engine and a lot of fire. Others like a horse Shopping to be quiet and laid back. It’s usually easier to get the laid-back one to rev his engine than to get a hot horse to relax. 4. Decide on what breed of horse you most want. Once you’ve decided on the type of riding you’re interested in and the type of personality you want your horse to have, the breed choice will become easier. Some breeds are associated with certain types of riding. For instance, a Thoroughbred or Warmblood breed is usually thought of for the Hunter/Jumper circuit or dressage. In the past, the Quarter Horse, Appaloosas, and Paints were thought of [...]

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