Who is Harry Vold? Well, he looks like and sounds like John Wayne, if John Wayne had a brother or a double it would have
been Harry Vold. Harry Vold, Stock ContractorHarry is a rodeo stock contractor with a deep love of horses that shows in everything he does.
He is now 86 years old and runs the Harry Vold Rodeo Company out of Pueblo Colorado. He is 86 now and still loves to ride on his ranch and watch his animals. “A good bucking horse has to have the heart and disposition, they have to want to buck”, says Harry. His youngest daughter Kristen is now managing the ranch, but, not of course without Harry’s input.
Harry’s animals are never bucked more then twice a week and have the best diet and the best of care and a great ranch to roam on.

The following interview was done as the Colorado State Fair was getting underway. Harry and his rodeo company were of course in attendance.