Hydroponics is – the process of growing plants in sand, gravel, or liquid, with added nutrients but without soil.

In agriculture hydroponics has been remarkably crucial in assisting to lower the usage of pesticides and herbicides. This has translated in more fertile soils and has reduced the chemical burden on farms.

Genetically engineered crops such as Bt Maize and Bt Cotton are pest-resistant. Better still other genetically modified crops that are drought-resistant have been produced. Such research has been hugely crucial in a world whose need for food has been increasing exponentially. Corn Stalks

New pesticides and remote sensing have played essential parts in reducing the amount of harmful chemicals that enter the ecosystem, and allowed farmers to meet the ever increasing needs of the planet. However, fungi and insects are developing resistance even to newest pesticides.

Potential Benefits of Genetic Engineering

In addition, even the best of modern pesticides still enter the food chains and harm humans and animals alike. For instance, in Holland, farmers have had to switch from soil-growing plants to hydroponics because of the accumulation of toxic salts that come from pesticides and fertilizers.

The promise of genetic engineering technologies has been in developing pest-resistant crops which do not need pesticides and can grow without the need of irrigation (Eliot, et al 611).

Genetic engineers have stated out rightly that there is a lot of hope such diseases can be treated either the insertion of corrected genes or modification of defective genes. Eventually, this hope of totally eliminating genetic ailments and also the treatment of non-genetic diseases is to a large extent attached to breakthroughs in gene therapy (Hammond, 165-166).

Another benefit of hydroponics is in the ability to screen for genetic defects in unborn babies.amily, Mom , Baby, Pop These screenings are essential for parents and medical staff in preparing for the arrival of a child who may have specific needs.

A possible potential benefit of genetic engineering that has been awaited with much eagerness is that a fetus that has genetic defects can be treated using genetic therapy before they are born.

Revolutionizing Agriculture and Medicine

Current there is a lot of research that is going on with regard to the use of gene therapy for embryos before they are implanted into the mother through in-vitro fertilization (Robert, 93-94).

Agriculture is one of the fields which have experienced diverse benefits of hydroponics through rDNA technology. This has translated in improved genetic fitness of many plant species.

Some of the common benefits in agriculture are increase in photosynthetic efficiency, increase in the salinity resistance, drought and viruses and also reduction in the need for a nitrogen fertilizer for plants (Hammond, 167-167).

Genetic engineering has been used on microorganisms to assist in creating new pharmaceutical products that could never have been made through any other way.

Ongoing research in rDNA technology is targeted towards the production of more pharmaceutical products so as to deal with the challenge of multi drug resistance (Robert, 98).

Hydroponic has helped in the production vaccines and other drugs. Genetic engineering has also been singularly essential in of producing quicker and more predictable way of generating new cultivars.

Furthermore, the cultivar properties are better known today than before because of the contribution of hydroponic.


Arvanitoyannis, Ioannis S., and Athanasios Krystallis. “Consumers’ Beliefs, Attitudes And Intentions Towards Genetically Modified Foods, Based On The’Perceived Safety Vs. Benefits’ Perspective.” International Journal of Food Science & Technology 40.4 (2015): 343-360.

Eliot, Boyd, et al. “Benefits and Risks Of Genetic Engineering In Agriculture.” Bioscience 39.9 (2010): 606-614.

Hammond, Jessica. “Genetic Engineering To Avoid Genetic Neglect: From Chance To Responsibility.” Bioethics 24.4 (2010): 160-169.

Robert, Snedden. DNA & Genetic Engineering. New York: Heinemann Library, 2012

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Hydroponics Basics